Apply for distribution


Interested in music distribution?
Please send us short mail about you and your music (mp3 is perfectly acceptable) and links to services (Spotify, iTunes, YouTube etc.) together with your mail address you'd like to use for registration to:
[email protected]

Please read our Terms of Service!

Nota Bene Music is very selective in acceptance and we reserve the exclusive right to reject your application or release without any obligation! 

Important information! Please read!

You may not publish, release, upload for distribution (audio or video) releases/products/pictures/lyrics/audio/video/title etc. that promote violence against or directly attack or threaten other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, caste, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity,
religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease.
We do not distribute vulgar, inapropriate lyrics!

You may not use hateful lyrics, images or symbols in your account profile. Furthermore, you also may not use your username, display name or profile bio to express hate towards an individual, group, or protected category or organization
of any kind regardless of the territory or country.

We take copyright infringement very seriously and we are unable to release any audio or/and video that we determine may breach our terms of service, or worse, violate the music copyright of another artist, which is an illegal activity.
Nota Bene Music reserve the exclusive right to
reject and/or close your account, your application or release(s) without any obligation at any time with no further notice!

If accepted....

You will receive mail with link to registration page.

Fill all fields and choose a good quality password with
at least eight characters, one small letter and one number.
Save your password!

Please read our Terms of Service, tick a box and click Register Now.
After confirmation, you can log in to your account dashboard
and start distributing your music.

Welcome to Nota Bene Music!

© 2022-2023 - Nota Bene d.o.o.(ltd) - All Rights Reserved / Nota Bene Music is a trade name of Nota Bene ltd.
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